Sunday, April 27, 2008
Mother/Daughter Retreat
This weekend was the our big event: the 4th and 5th grade mother/daughter retreat. We had 5 moms and 6 daughters there, which is all of the 4th and 5th graders at HCC, so Shanna and I were excited. We had a speaker fly in from Memphis, Suzanne Grisby, who is a friend of Jeff and Cherie's. Shanna and I picked her up at the airport, but we didn't know exactly what she looked like, so we wore these sparkly tiaras while we waited. She figured it out immediately but we sure did get some laughs! Our theme for the weekend was Beautiful for Thee: a Daughter of the King. On Friday night we decorated everything with the princess theme and had tiaras, and princess items for the girls and moms. We ate pizza and played games (we were supposed to watch Princess Diaries, but our tv didn't work) and the girls played dress up all night long. It was alot of fun and very laid back, but I think the moms really enjoyed that it was so relaxed. Saturday morning we cooked breakfast (pancakes and fruit), cleaned up from sleeping, sung some songs, played crazy bonding games (and boy did we bond haha), and then listened to Suzanne share some from Psalm 139. Our activity for the first session was pedicure spa for the moms, which included their gift of a decorated metal pail filled with lotions, scrubs, and pedicure tools. We happened to have a foot pool and a pariffin wax machine so we used that as well. During the pedicure time, Suzanne answered (used loosely) various parenting questions the ladies had. While moms were downstairs, we took the girls upstairs and did a little character quiz and wrote letters to the moms. They seemed to enjoy it, and had fun bringing the letters to their mom. For lunch we just had sandwiches and had some freetime to just play games, run around, take a nap or shower, whatever. We wanted there to be time to build relationships not just follow a schedule and it seemed to really work. =) I think Dayna, T, Shanna and I played a game called Sequence for the 3 hours. Team blue won!! =) We did songs and listen to Suzanne teach for our second session -- she finished psalm 139. Our second activity we divided up again and made bracelet/keychains with beads and stretchy string. We had pearls that represented the Fruits of the Spirit and then the vairous colored beads represented different sins we wanted to work on. Each person wrote the fruits of the spirit and then what their sins were and what color represented them on an index card. Then the girls and moms sat down for reflection time and talked about what they learned during the weekend; this was also the time when they shared what their beads meant with each other and asked to be held accountable if they wanted to. As they left, we gave the girls their gifts: a mirror with a ribbon to hang it, decorated with their name and the theme, and they had cute flowers glued to them. Also each person recieved a tshirt. We all wore them to church this morning!! Just like we do at our church after camp =)! Anyways. All in all, I am very tired, but despite some things not going as planned, we had an amazing weekend. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, the girls spent time together as a group (which is needed as they go into middle school), the moms as a church became friends outside of Sunday morning, and we got to just not be around boys for 24 hours. =)
Anyday's a good day serving Jesus
On Wednesday of this week, Shanna and I went to Denver for one last girls trip. However, we arranged to volunteer at the Denver Rescue Mission in Downtown Denver for lunch. I know that sounds really random to some, but last year I read an amazing book called Under the Overpass, which talks about someones life spent homeless for four months in various cities. He begins his journey at the Denver Rescue and learns the ways, habits, and rules of the homeless and addicted. Ever since reading that I have wanted to help at the Mission in Denver, so Shanna caught my dream and we pushed for making that a reality before I left. We arrived at 10:30 and were introduced to the program members who were coordinating volunteers and lunch. We bagged up peanuts to give out and then it was time for the first lunch shift -- this is for the volunteers, the staff, and the program members (the Mission is primarily a rehab program). Then we cut up some vegetables for a salad they were having dinner and it was time for the second lunch shift -- this is for anyone off the streets. Shanna and I bussed the tables and brought them water as they ate -- over 200 were served lunch that day. We could not stop smiling,we were having so much fun! Those guys were great. We actually ended up racing to tables to beat some of the program guys who had to help -- Cecil, Ivan, and David. They were protective of us from the other guys, but they were just so helpful and glad to be there. Shanna and I kept asking the rehabers if they were having a good day, and expecting a typical answer of 'yeah' we were blown away when they answered "Anydays a good day serving Jesus". I just left the mission wanting that to always be my answer. And mean it. Any day should be a good day because I am alive and able to serve God. Another cool part was just getting a tour of the place and seeing all the work the Mission does. Anyways it was awesome! And we loved it.
These lyrics described my thoughts after I left the Mission: "Well I'm not talking about a smile so fake, while the world takes pictures 24/7. I just want my faith to a little more real, what you see is what you get, what you see is how I feel."
These lyrics described my thoughts after I left the Mission: "Well I'm not talking about a smile so fake, while the world takes pictures 24/7. I just want my faith to a little more real, what you see is what you get, what you see is how I feel."
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Catching up
Well its been a couple of days and alot has been going on! First of all the Berrys came back so that was exciting, not being alone anymore. On Sunday Andy, Trish, Nic, Shanna and I went to Denver to pick up the dog from Trish's mom, but while we were there we went to Red Lobster and stuffed ourselves! It was so good! yum...seafood. But we also just enjoyed soaking up the 77 degree weather and sunshine! =) Teaching sunday school went really well though this sunday. We have had some issues with them listening and gave Shanna a particularly hard time while I wasn't there last sunday (last day at work). So after a little lecture and having Trish there to kinda back us up, we had a fun time of learning and crafts. Monday (yeah that was only yesterday) Shanna and I spent the day at the church offices preparing for the week. This weekend is our mother daughter retreat!! =) and so we were busy getting together the last minute stuff and making lists for us to do on Friday. We should be picking up t-shirts tomorrow, our mirrors are finished, we have presents for everyone that helped us, the speaker is flying in on Friday, she has all her stuff prepared, and Shanna and I think we might just be able to pull this thing off. =)
OOh and the best part of all, is that tomorrow shanna and I are going to Denver for a fun little day off. We have to get some stuff for our retreat, but we also want to shop alittle. But thats not the best part. We are going to serve lunch at the Denver Rescue Mission in Downtown!! =) I am so excited. We will help prepare the meal and then serve it and eat with the residents as well. yay for stories and being brave! But anyways it all started with reading Under the Overpass and this is the same facility where that story starts. I just think God is so cool to let me actually experience this. And Shanna has been so great to catch the desire and make it happen! =) I will tell you all about it tomorrow!
OOh and the best part of all, is that tomorrow shanna and I are going to Denver for a fun little day off. We have to get some stuff for our retreat, but we also want to shop alittle. But thats not the best part. We are going to serve lunch at the Denver Rescue Mission in Downtown!! =) I am so excited. We will help prepare the meal and then serve it and eat with the residents as well. yay for stories and being brave! But anyways it all started with reading Under the Overpass and this is the same facility where that story starts. I just think God is so cool to let me actually experience this. And Shanna has been so great to catch the desire and make it happen! =) I will tell you all about it tomorrow!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Umm peeling sucks. haha Actually I guess its a good thing since that means that I will be over this soon. And usually you wouldn't be peeling this fast, but since its so dry up here, I guess its speeding things along. But I just look really weird and awful. So i'm definitely glad no one can see me. haha. =) But anyways going to do some errands and then hide in the house...
later! haha
later! haha
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It's my Birthday, I can _______ if I want to

But after we all got burnt. haha. They all have goggle tans. But after we got home from skiing, the Berry's threw me a surprise Little Mermaid theme party! haha it was awesome! We had a bubble machine (so you were under the sea) and a fish pinata and leis and sunglasses and umbrella straws. We usually have ladies bible study on monday nights so all the ladies came for a party instead. We broke the pinata -- haha Andy had control of the pinata. I think he enjoyed me making a fool of myself. But then we ate cake. Alison made it! It was confetti cake with white icing, but she decorated it with jawbreakers, licorice and lifesavers. Very cute cake. And then we opened presents! haha Alison got me hugs and kisses (the candy) =) Shanna got me a cute tshirt and a black and white photo frame. So me. And the Estes girls (Shanna's family) got me chocolate and then each made me a card. So we had alot of fun. The Berry's are just amazing thoughtful caring people who have truly blessed me.
In other news, I am by myself this week. They went to visit Andy's family in Idaho and I'm also house sitting for some friends for the week. haha Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Elitch Gardens

Yesterday was a blast! The Berry's took me, Shanna, and Alison to Elitch Gardens in Denver (Formerly of Six Flags fame). For background information, they love roller coasters (becca doesn't) and Nathan has always been too short to go on most rides. We got there at 10:30 and we had fun until like 5:00. =) This year Nathan was tall enough so he was brave and tried everything that was appropriate. We went on a kid ride to begin, and it was so cold! Not scary, just cold. haha. But then we went on the ship ride that swings up and down. Woo- Nathan did not like that one, but we had fun being silly and screaming. We went on a ride called the rainbow which was a platform of seats that rides up and then over and then down and around (painting a rainbow in the sky and circling around). Very fun. Brittany was my partner both times we wode that one. Then I went on a wooden roller coaster that was scary, but fun. I had decided that I would go on all of the things they wanted to even though I dont like them. But I had a blast on that. Brittany was my partner on that one too. We then went on this scary 0-60 mph loop thing that went forward, then stopped and went backwards through the loop. AHHH! but i did it. =) Alison and I were together on that one and we had our eyes shut the entire time. But then the last ride of the day was the carousel. haha we did a chinese fire drill on the horses. Yeah I'm corputing the children (Brittany and Nic and Alison haha), but the worker lady wasn't has happy as we were. Then for my birthday we went out to eat at Chilli's. haha. I loved it, but it makes me laugh that we always go there. =) They are just an awesome family. My second family.
And to add to how great they are. They got me a photo journal book and then she put pictures of me and the kids inside it. And then she got me a framed picture of the rockies so I will always have them with me. =) How fun and sweet. The frame is a broad flat white frame, so i am going to get them to write their names on it and then I'll put in another frame and really keep it forever. So anyways. They are just the best. And I am truly getting sad that my time is coming to an end. Today is our last day at work. So pray for the final day and for the relationships I formed.
And to add to how great they are. They got me a photo journal book and then she put pictures of me and the kids inside it. And then she got me a framed picture of the rockies so I will always have them with me. =) How fun and sweet. The frame is a broad flat white frame, so i am going to get them to write their names on it and then I'll put in another frame and really keep it forever. So anyways. They are just the best. And I am truly getting sad that my time is coming to an end. Today is our last day at work. So pray for the final day and for the relationships I formed.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
So this isn't for people to neccesarily respond to or for people to judge me on. Its more of me to share my heart and struggle right now and for me to try to let go of it.
What determines beauty? Who is beautiful and who isn't? If we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God why do I feel inadequate? Furthermore, Jesus had "no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him". And Peter says that "your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." Umm well everyone that knows me knows that I do not have a gentle and quiet spirit. As tonight's conversation showed. But yet all I hear is beauty is skin, and makeup, and revealing clothing. And while I have been here, all that has gone by the wayside. I spend my days in burnt orange uni-sex uniforms, flooding pants, hair pulled back, and little to no makeup. And then add layers of clothing, gloves, hat, and sunglasses, and I'm completely covered. haha maybe some of my sexy neck is showing. Most of the guys here only want to see beauty as skin, makeup, and revealing clothing so after a while it definitely starts to wear on you...
The funny thing is... well its not surprising the way God works... that is the very thing that we want to teach the 5th grade girls at the retreat. Great. I guess I get to really learn the lesson before I can teach it.
What is beauty and who determines it?
What determines beauty? Who is beautiful and who isn't? If we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God why do I feel inadequate? Furthermore, Jesus had "no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him". And Peter says that "your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." Umm well everyone that knows me knows that I do not have a gentle and quiet spirit. As tonight's conversation showed. But yet all I hear is beauty is skin, and makeup, and revealing clothing. And while I have been here, all that has gone by the wayside. I spend my days in burnt orange uni-sex uniforms, flooding pants, hair pulled back, and little to no makeup. And then add layers of clothing, gloves, hat, and sunglasses, and I'm completely covered. haha maybe some of my sexy neck is showing. Most of the guys here only want to see beauty as skin, makeup, and revealing clothing so after a while it definitely starts to wear on you...
The funny thing is... well its not surprising the way God works... that is the very thing that we want to teach the 5th grade girls at the retreat. Great. I guess I get to really learn the lesson before I can teach it.
What is beauty and who determines it?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Well its April. Definitely one of my favorite months. =) Last week was Brittany's birthday too, so its going to be a great month. Her birthday was on Friday and so we threw her a surprise party with her friends and neighbors. I got to pick her up from this afterschool ceramics class and then stall in taking her home. It was fun to do that for someone else, especially her. And of course once we got there, her friends had parked their bikes on the porch so the surprise wasn't so much of a surprise anymore. But we played this scavenger hunt game to find the presents and then we ate and played games and just had fun. Its definitely been a while since I went to a 5th grade birthday party so i was enjoying the sillyness of it all. Being a kid is too much fun, especially when they are trying to grow up so fast.
And then yesterday set the benchmark for one week until my birthday. =) At the Berry house, the birthday person gets a week of fun little gifts leading up to the special day. So yesterday I got a poster with Happy Birthday written on it and a flower pen, and today I got these cute rubber gloves (the story is with the dog leaving me presents...) that actually match my rubber boots. Haha. So funny so now I am all set for the weather...and matching... =)
And so the next excitement of today is that Shanna and I are going to get pedicures!! WOO HOO! I am so excited. I am long over due and its getting ugly. haha.
And then yesterday set the benchmark for one week until my birthday. =) At the Berry house, the birthday person gets a week of fun little gifts leading up to the special day. So yesterday I got a poster with Happy Birthday written on it and a flower pen, and today I got these cute rubber gloves (the story is with the dog leaving me presents...) that actually match my rubber boots. Haha. So funny so now I am all set for the weather...and matching... =)
And so the next excitement of today is that Shanna and I are going to get pedicures!! WOO HOO! I am so excited. I am long over due and its getting ugly. haha.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Coming to an end
Wow, its so weird to realize that my job at Copper is almost over. Copper is only open another 10 days and i only work some of those days. Very sad. I really enjoy my coworkers and bosses and the job itself -- although there have been moments. And then after Copper closes, we are going to try to ski for a week and then i have one more week really and I'm headed home. That is so weird!! I dont even feel like I've been here that long. I have truly enjoyed my time here, although I have missed everyone like crazy! =)
But yeah. Please continue to pray for the retreat Shanna and I are planning. We officially have a speaker (Thank you Jesus!) and tshirts are in the works (Praise again!) but we really need to nail down our location. You would think there would be something available at decent prices in a resort town! And then the next thing is for people to attend. The idea of church anything is just scary to people, so its going to be something to get past...
Thanks for all the emails and notes on the blog! They have been very encouraging...
But yeah. Please continue to pray for the retreat Shanna and I are planning. We officially have a speaker (Thank you Jesus!) and tshirts are in the works (Praise again!) but we really need to nail down our location. You would think there would be something available at decent prices in a resort town! And then the next thing is for people to attend. The idea of church anything is just scary to people, so its going to be something to get past...
Thanks for all the emails and notes on the blog! They have been very encouraging...
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