Monday, March 17, 2008

High Country Church

Well things are changing once again in our church. Yesterday was Tyler, our music minister,'s last day at HCC. He has decided to work with another group in the area and possibly revive his traveling music ministry with his wife. So just pray for our church. Things in general are a little crazy but as long as the Holy Spirit is apart of everything, its all good. So pray that the leadership (which is just the pastor and the secretary now) will seek God in all that they do and seek God's guidance in how this new model of house church should work. My family and I went to lunch with Tyler and his family and Shanna and Alison. It was fun, but also sad becuase I just got to know Tyler and everything. So just pray for the situation.
Today we (shanna and i) had meetings with Jeff about our schedule and kind of like discipleship. It went well. Part of it was that we watched a video sermon that everyone else watched sunday morning. It was so good. It was all about risking your life/comfort for ministry. He just encouraged me to just really be forth right in talking about Jesus to my coworkers. I've definitely laid a foundation, they know I'm a Christian, and I know a little on where they stand on some stuff. But I need to just go for the hard stuff.
Tomorrow is another ministry opportunity for us. We have a group of like 35 kids coming from Mississippi and we are going to pass out hot chocolate to guest and workers at Keystone. Shanna and I are going to make the hot chocholate...haha. But yeah it should be fun!

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