Tuesday, March 25, 2008


As part of our assignments at High Country, we have to read certain books. For starters we have to also read the book of Acts, and then in addition to that, we were assigned Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire -- the story of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church. I already knew a basis of that story but reading that book was definitely empowering. It just is about the power of prayer and how that is the key to everything and to seeing God work be fruitful. It encouraged me to seek God in prayer for everything -- especially to pray over anything i do up here. Then God decided to prove His point even farther. Yesterday Shanna and I had a meeting with Cherie (the pastor's wife) and she showed us her prayer journal. Since Cherie is very very organized, we weren't too thrilled about the idea, knowing we wouldn't be able to do it. But she actually gave us our own prayer journals and showed us how to use them. They are 3 spiral notebooks with different sections for prayer topics -- praise, family, friends, church, intercession, and the world. So anyways I filled some of mine out today and I am so excited about using it. My prayer is that it will be a consistent desire to use it and to cry out to God for everything. Please pray for that to happen. I have already noticed a change in my heart towards needing prayer. Needing it not just doing it when I want something. But continual conversation with God and then God outpouring back to me... Anyways I'm excited about starting this journey. And please feel free to hold me accountable to it! =)
love you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have read most of Fresh Wind... and was definitely impressed by it. When you get back, I would love to have you show me your new prayer journal system. I could really use some help with that. You are missed!