Saturday, July 5, 2008

A new chapter

Although this blog began as a venue for communication while I was serving in Colorado, I have decided to use it as an outlet for thoughts and opinions -- and as a way for others to stay informed of my life and activities. Not that its exciting. haha. The posts won't be frequent and may not be interesting, but it could be useful for me to just express myself.
I guess I haven't been on this since I came back home. For just a brief update on my life: I am 22 and living in Nacogdoches. Although I have a bachelor's degree, I dont have a job or a real direction for obtaining one -- even though I am dirt poor. I am newly single after 5 years of not. I attend First Baptist Church, although seeking God about that. I am currently planning to pursue my Masters of Secondary Education at SFA this fall.
Being in Colorado was an amazing time for God to work on my heart and our relationship. The biggest thing I learned was that 'God will provide'; He doesn't give us desires or plans only to not fullfill them. He, in His infinite wisdom that I will never understand, has prepared a way for us and asks us to simply trust Him. Saying that is alot easier than to act -- or in my case, not to act. This summer I have searched to find His will for my life. He removed something that I treasured, but that leaves me free to chase a new path. Yet I don't know what that path is. And for me, I have chosen to seek that path before acting. I know some would rather see me just jump out there and do something 'crazy' -- go work in politics, go serve for a semester somewhere, go to culinary school. All things I would like, but I just question the urge to do something. I dont want to spend my wheels, and look back later with the same lack of direction. I would rather let God reveal His next step and then go. I say all that and yet am so frustrated to not be going anywhere.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Just so you know, i value our friendship, while yes we will not, locationly (is that a word?)be close you will always have place in my heart and i know you are only a phone call away!!!!