Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday reflections

Well today was definitely enjoyable (so far). Yesterday was good too, all the kids ended up spending the night at friends houses so last night andy, trish and I made pizzas and played yatzee and watched football. totally up my alley. =) But today was church and we met at the pastors house around 10. Time is a relative thing here. High County Church (HCC) is planning to go to a multi-meeting site setup in about a month. They are trying to be relative and meet the various groups of people here where they are at. So the church is having small groups meet at their homes or at starbucks or whatever for bible study and fellowship, instead of a sunday morning meeting. Jeff, the pastor, talked about how we are trying to meet the county's needs and views, and how that has to start with the Word. I thought it was nice but basic. Kinda wanted more. Met the worship pastor today, Tyler, and he and allison (one of the youth's i would work with) and myself went to this sushi place. I didn't have sushi but we had this lunch special that had all kinds of stuff on it that was really good. so yeah it was a great lunch and got to know them better.
on another good note, while we were at church, Jeff told us that HCC was getting another semester missionary to work as the children's intern. So thats going to be great, just having another person there to talk to and share ideas with. Not really sure of anything, think her name is shanna. And she should be here around the 1st of Feb. so yeah thats cool! And I start training tomorrow, so im excited about that. =)
anyways its been good, i miss yall, but so excited to be here.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Hey, Becca!

Glad to hear things are falling into place. I knew they would. God is awesome and His ways are perfect; sometimes we just have to wait on Him.

The snow is gorgeous. I'm itching to do some skiing now. Oh, and I'm wondering why people keep naming their dogs, Ellie. I thought it was such a great name for my kid!

Talk soon!
