Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the small things in life

God is so good! Not only did things go well at the funeral and it sounds like it was a good experience (as can be) for those there, but things went well here. Today is Nathan's birthday, he turned 7! haha so went to target and bought a game for him as his present and then since it was my day off, i wrapped all the presents up for him. He got to open one present and then we went to the blue and gold banquet for him. Its the tiger scouts promotion! so i helped out with that as he got promoted from tiger to bobcat. haha. it was definitely funny to me learning all about the world of boyscouts. =) i think its all great and stuff but so much of that stuff of character and leadership and having rolemodels should be done through the church or at least through a relationship with Godly men.
But the truly best part of today was as we drove home we were listening to the local radio station and started singing along. As we pulled into the driveway, Casting Crowns "I will praise you in this storm" came on. Instead of getting out of the car, we all sat in the truck and sang along. it was so cool. just singing and praising God as a group in a car in the driveway with the stars shining in the sky. God is good! oh i am so blessed and thankful to be living with a family!
I have work tomorrow and then on thursday as well so pray for that. hopefully have good conversations! also please keep praying for my family...

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