Friday, July 18, 2008

New Job!

As frustrated as I was about staying in Nac and about the status of my life in general, God has continued to be faithful to me. He has provided me with a job -- a focus and direction for my life. So what if I'm in Nac? That doesn't mean that my goals have changed, that I'm not seeking those goals, and God isn't using me. I think realizing that has been the best part about getting the job. I am going to be teaching at Fredonia Hill Baptist Academy, which is a private christian school in Nac. I will be the 5th and 6th grade English teacher, with 6th grade as a homeroom. The best part about this job is that its an ideal situation for my first year of teaching -- small classroom, a team of teachers, somewhat familiar settings, and obviously open to religion! I have a challenge ahead of me, but I am so excited about taking it; with God's help, I will see amazing things happen this year. And as I teach this year, I will know at the end whether or not I should pursue this field. Oh and I get Masters credit, so this will also help that goal. This job is truly a God- given opportunity. One that I am thankful for, but also one that I pray I use wisely.


Shanna*Renee said...

I miss you terribly. Like really... Im sitting over here crying just from reading your blog. I need to see you soon...

Kristie Johnson said...

Get that certification and then get here fast! You would love my small classrooms though.
Miss you!