Wednesday, January 30, 2008



so these were some pictures of me when we went ice skating the first weekend i was here. the one of me by tree and mountains are really good. just showing you what it looks like from our doorstep. the one of me trying to balance on the ice was actually a joke. haha but its funny. the other mountain picture is just another to show you what my world is like.

the picture of the girls at work and i are at the bowling pizza and beer party. haha and yes im by the pitcher. its an ugly picture of me but these are some of the girls i am getting to know. its me, eileen, kristine, and meg. =) You can pray for them to know that there is more out there for life!
Sorry it took so long to post these, but my computer didn't really like them, so jonathan ended up posting them for me! anyways i miss everyone and working alot. Hopefully Alison (the youth) and I are going to get ice cream (cuz its not cold enough already) and rent a movie!

1 comment:

Callie said...

Yay! I was beginning to think you skiied off the mountain! I like that one of you ice skating!:)